The Game Boy can be connected in pairs for 2-player games, and it can do 4-player if you have this hub-like gadget: I’ve never played 4-player on any of the dozen or so games that support it. I’ve never used … Continue reading
TypeScript is billed as JavaScript with types, which is great and high tech and useful and all, but I really like that you can just write code that describes a class rather than writing code that meticulously constructs a class-like … Continue reading
Have you ever thought, “My computer needs way more flashing lights.”? Me too! Now, I’m not talking about meaningless, gaudy special effects. I’m talking about proper blinkenlights.
Adafruit calls them NeoPixels, but their real name is WS2812 or SK6812. They’re handy little RGB LEDs with built-in controllers. They use a single-wire anisochronous self-clocking signal, so controlling them requires some precise timing. There’s an easy-to-use Arduino library available, … Continue reading
I had a crash reported for one of my Android applications. Thankfully that includes a stack trace, because I would never have found this bug without it. I learned something new about concurrently accessing an ArrayList.